雅思口语| Part2:A person in the medical fiel... 8月29日“24湖南09”最优买报价方为中信银行,到期收益率1.9139%... 托纳利明天解禁,听说这10个月他变得特别厉害... 回盛生物: 关于回盛转债预计触发转股价格向下修正条件的提示性公告... 小蘑菇世界观梗概...
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雅思口语| Part2:A person in the medical field 医疗人士(surgeon外科医生)

发布日期:2024-10-14 09:35    点击次数:203

   surgeon外科医生He followed his father and became a surgeon. 他沿袭了他父亲,成了一名外科医生。be exceptionally giftedAs a surgeon, Philip was exceptionally gifted. 作为外科医生,菲利普才华出众。stitch up缝合The surgeon would pick up his instruments, probe, repair, and stitch up again. 外科医生会拿起器械进行探查、修复,然后再缝合。transplant 移植Surgeons have successfully transplanted a liver into a four-year-old boy. 外科医生成功地给一个四岁的男孩移植了肝脏。scrub their hands and arms with soap用肥皂和水清洗他们的手和手臂Surgeons began to scrub their hands and arms with soap and water before operating. 外科医生们在手术前开始用肥皂和水清洗他们的手和手臂。in bad need of最需要We're in bad need of medical workers, especially surgeons. 这里最需要医务人员,特别是外科医生。operation手术He underwent a three-hour heart operation. 他接受了三个小时的心脏手术。He had a minor operation to remove a cyst. 他做了一个切除了囊肿的小手术。The delicate surgical operation took five hours. 这精细的外科手术花了五个小时。face mask 口罩The surgeon took off his cap and surgical mask, disclosing a young and smart face. 外科医生除去手术帽和口罩,露出了一张年轻帅气的脸。scrubs手术服...a man wearing blue hospital scrubs.  …一个穿着蓝色的医院手术服的男子。stitches缝线Jill washed and stitched the wound. 吉尔清洗并缝合了伤口。He had six stitches in a head wound. 他头部的伤口缝了6针。stretcher担架He was carried off on a stretcher. 他被用担架抬走了。admit收治住院She was admitted to the hospital with a soaring temperature. 她因高烧被接收入院。discharge出院The doctor asked the patient to have a regular health check after he was discharged from hospital. 那位医生嘱咐病人在出院后要定期做健康检查。ambulance救护车By the time the ambulance arrived he was unconscious. 救护车赶到时他已神志不清。prescription 处方The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics. 医生给我开了抗生素oxygen mask 氧气面罩She was muzzled with an oxygen mask and tethered to an IV. 她被戴上了氧气面罩并输上了静脉点滴。blood pressure 血压This drug is used to lower blood pressure. 这种药用于降血压。Emotional stress can elevate blood pressure. 情绪紧张会使血压升高。 本站仅提供存储服务,所有内容均由用户发布,如发现有害或侵权内容,请点击举报。



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